Writeup #
We are given a link to a website for this challenge that has a login page. I first tried the obvious stuff such as admin
, password
, etc. But no such luck. Thankfully, I remembered a Hack the Box challenge that dealt with a similar sceanario, that being SQL injection!!!
If we type in 'or''='
into both the user name and password fields, we can escape the query and make it return true without actually needing to supply the correct password. So after entering that, I was in as admin.
< boop >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
The webiste then presented itself with a little cowsay program, along with a message telling us the flag is located at /flag
on the server. After playing with the fun program for a bit, I noticed that certain characters would break it. Things like extra "
or '
. That’s when I noticed the $
, giving me the impression that this cowsay program was being excecuted on the server itself. So all I would have to do is escape the program.
So I typed in boop' && cat /flag '
$cowsay 'boop' && cat /flag '
< boop >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
Nice, we got da flag! Pretty fun and easy web challenge.